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Hormones send critical “chemical messages” to the body, which help to regulate human growth, metabolism, mental health, emotional responses, and age-related developmental characteristics.
Hormones such as testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen play essential roles in stabilizing your sleep patterns, managing stress, and supporting immune system functioning. They also help to facilitate cell to organ messaging. Your hormone production may decrease significantly due to menopause, andropause, illness, and disease-causing a variety of unpleasant symptoms.
Symptoms of Testosterone and DHT Deficiency and Imbalance
Testosterone is essential for strength, sperm production, muscle mass, and for determining how fat is distributed throughout the body. It is also vital for bone density and is an anabolic steroid that both males and females have in their bodies, but it is more prevalent in men.
This hormone also influences the release of the neurotransmitter serotonin that controls appetite, mood, libido, and sleep. Having a healthy and stable amount of testosterone in your bloodstream is crucial to regulating blood pressure, reducing cholesterol, increasing muscle mass, burning body fat efficiently, and raising energy levels.
DHT, dihydrotestosterone, chemically resembles testosterone. This because testosterone interacts with the 5-alpha reductase enzyme, producing DHT. DHT is the most androgenic hormone and is needed for embryonic sexual differentiation and the appearance of male secondary sexual characteristics, including voice change, pubic hair, and sexual functioning. DHT also aids in water retention, encourages fat oxidation, and influences muscle strength.
There are a variety of signs that indicate an imbalance or a deficiency of DHT and testosterone, including:
Effects of a Progesterone and Estrogen Imbalance
Estrogen is known as a group of hormones or steroid compounds that are produced by the placenta, ovarian follicles, and the corpus luteum. The mammary gland, liver, and adrenal glands typically generate lower amounts of estrogen during post-menopause. For women who are approaching menopause, progesterone remains important to breast, nervous system, and cardiovascular health. Progesterone helped to strengthen the spinal cord, brain cell health, peripheral nervous system, and also helps to promote the repair of the brain following an injury.
Symptoms of an estrogen and progesterone imbalance or deficiency include:
How Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Can Alleviate Andropause and Menopause Symptoms
Typically, As hormone levels begin to fall steadily, you will start to experience the symptoms mentioned earlier in this article, which will gradually start to affect not only your health but also your quality of life.
Bio-identical hormones are made from phytochemicals that are extracted from soy and yams, creating a hormone that is molecularly identical to hormones your body produces. BHRT can help men and women to regain endocrine system function in a natural and easy to metabolize manner.
When these hormones are used to remedy a testosterone or estrogen imbalance or deficiency, it can help relieve the symptoms of hormone imbalance and restore your health.
At Hormone Treatment Centers, our medical staff will develop a customized hormone replacement treatment plan. Contact us today to learn more!